Here are a couple of forgotten realms spells translated from the FR Adventures book into Whitebox rules from 2nd ed AD&D. My players will recognize these, and I think it will be a fun nod to prior games. I've changed a lot of the parameters to shift the spells to the power level of Whitebox D&D.
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds
The magic user touches any bladed weapon, which will immediately glow with a magical blue flame. This spell gives the weapon +2 to attack for the next 2 rounds (no bonus to damage). This bonus to attack stacks on top of any normal magical or non-magical bonuses to attack. Only 2 bladethirst spell can be used on an item at a time, and cannot be made permanent.
Snilloc's Snowball
Range: 100 ft
Duration: Instant
This spell creates a mystical snowball that must be thrown at a target within range or it melts away. The snowball will strike unerringly, like a magic missile, and does 1d3 damage to normal opponents and 1d6 damage to cold sensitive, fire dwelling, fire using opponents. This spell requires a bit of ivory to cast, which is consumed during the casting.
Agannazar's Scorcher
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 2 rounds
A jet of flame erupts from the casters hands and blasts out at one target. These flames deal 1d6 damage each round for two rounds. The target gets a saving throw vs. spells each round, which reduces the damage to 1pt if succeeded. In addition, fire resistance can further reduce or avoid the fire damage. If firing into a crowd or creatures step in the path of the jet of flame, the DM may rule that creatures in the danger zone must make a saving throw or take 1d4 damage.
Undead Mount
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 1 day
Using this spell the caster animates a dead horse or other beast of burden (camel, mule, elephant, deer, moose). The spell generates a zombie or skeletal mount depending on the condition of the remains. The spell can create an mount from a collection of different creatures bones. Regardless of the physical shape of the mount, it has the following characteristics: 1HD hit points, movement of 18, can carry up to 300lbs, and does not attack. It responds to simple verbal commands, is unintelligent, and is considered a skeleton for turning, magic spells, etc...
How did I miss this? Power-Ups 10
Thanks to Blind Mapmaker for reviewing this . . . I completely missed this
GURPS release.
Given that I've spent a bit of work on compressing the number of ...
3 hours ago