Friday, June 7, 2013

Whitebox House Rules Part 5: Thieves

I wasn't even sure if I should add this class, I'm still not sure... since I'm allowing fighters to specialize I thought about keeping all the rules behind this class a secret to my players and have a specialized fighter "kit" called the "second story man" or the "bandit" or the "thief".  I was thinking that they could choose to wear light armor, focus on stealth over brawn, without the skill list to go with it.  If I do decide to use an actual Thief class, this is how I would do it:

Thief: humans/half-elves (10th), halflings (8th), dwarf (6th)

Exp, hit dice, and combat abilities as cleric.  Dex of 15 or higher = +5% exp.  Dwarves and halflings suffer a -10% experience penalty (which can be partially off set by high dexterity).

Thieves only wear leather armor or lighter and use light weapons and short bows, and light x-bows.  +1 to saving throws vs. traps.

Back Stab:  if a thief sneaks up on an opponent, they get the normal attack bonus  against an unaware opponent.  If they hit, they gain x2 damage.  At 5th level they get x3 damage and at 8th level x4 damage.

Challenge Resolution System:  handled by rolling 1d6, roll of 6 always fails, all characters (fighters, elves, dwarves, etc… can perform these, but thieves get a better chance)

Normal Class Skill
Thief Starting Skill
Find Traps (secret doors)
Remove Traps
Move Silently/Sneak
Hide in Shadows
Open Locks
Hear Noise
Climb Walls
NA (use equipment)
Pick Pockets

Dwarves automatically get 4/6 chance at finding/removing underground traps.
Elves automatically get 4/6 chance at noticing secret doors.
Halflings automatically get a 4/6 chance at sneak, and hide in shadows.

At each level a thief can improve one skill by a single rank.  The same skill cannot be increased two times in a row.

*The Core concept of using all d6's to resolve thief skills is a combination of earlier posts of mine, here, and here, combined with the "Delver's Delve" article by David Bowman p3 of Fight On Winter issue 2009.  The "normal" class skill is a suggestion of how to resolve the action but I'm planning to think about this.  I've always appreciated the theory behind not having a thief class.  Since none of my players have decided to play a thief yet... I'm keeping this one fluid, and will rely on situational rulings not rules for now...  

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